213 research outputs found

    The syntactic processing of particles in Japanese spoken language

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    Particles fullfill several distinct central roles in the Japanese language. They can mark arguments as well as adjuncts, can be functional or have semantic funtions. There is, however, no straightforward matching from particles to functions, as, e.g., GA can mark the subject, the object or an adjunct of a sentence. Particles can cooccur. Verbal arguments that could be identified by particles can be eliminated in the Japanese sentence. And finally, in spoken language particles are often omitted. A proper treatment of particles is thus necessary to make an analysis of Japanese sentences possible. Our treatment is based on an empirical investigation of 800 dialogues. We set up a type hierarchy of particles motivated by their subcategorizational and modificational behaviour. This type hierarchy is part of the Japanese syntax in VERBMOBIL.Comment: 8 page

    Implementing the syntax of japanese numeral classifiers

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    While the sortal constraints associated with Japanese numeral classifiers are wellstudied, less attention has been paid to the details of their syntax. We describe an analysis implemented within a broadcoverage HPSG that handles an intricate set of numeral classifier construction types and compositionally relates each to an appropriate semantic representation, using Minimal Recursion Semantics

    Head-initial constructions in japanese

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    Japanese is often taken to be strictly head-final in its syntax. In our work on a broad-coverage, precision implemented HPSG for Japanese, we have found that while this is generally true, there are nonetheless a few minor exceptions to the broad trend. In this paper, we describe the grammar engineering project, present the exceptions we have found, and conclude that this kind of phenomenon motivates on the one hand the HPSG type hierarchical approach which allows for the statement of both broad generalizations and exceptions to those generalizations and on the other hand the usefulness of grammar engineering as a means of testing linguistic hypotheses

    Efficient deep processing of japanese

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    We present a broad coverage Japanese grammar written in the HPSG formalism with MRS semantics. The grammar is created for use in real world applications, such that robustness and performance issues play an important role. It is connected to a POS tagging and word segmentation tool. This grammar is being developed in a multilingual context, requiring MRS structures that are easily comparable across languages

    Customizing GermaNet for the use in deep linguistic processing

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    In this paper we show an approach to the customization of GermaNet to the German HPSG grammar lexicon developed in the Verbmobil project. GermaNet has a broad coverage of the German base vocabulary and fine-grained semantic classification; while the HPSG grammar lexicon is comparatively small und has a coarse-grained semantic classification. In our approach, we have developed a mapping algorithm to relate the synsets in GermaNet with the semantic sorts in HPSG. The evaluation result shows that this approach is useful for the lexical extension of our deep grammar development to cope with real-world text understanding

    Annotating honorifics denoting social ranking of referents

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    This paper proposes an annotating scheme that encodes honorifics (respectful words). Honorifics are used extensively in Japanese, reflecting the social relationship (e.g. social ranks and age) of the referents. This referential information is vital for resolving zero pronouns and improving machine translation outputs. Annotating honorifics is a complex task that involves identifying a predicate with honorifics, assigning ranks to referents of the predicate, calibrating the ranks, and connecting referents with their predicates

    Annotating honorifics denoting social ranking of referents

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    This paper proposes an annotating scheme that encodes honorifics (respectful words). Honorifics are used extensively in Japanese, reflecting the social relationship (e.g. social ranks and age) of the referents. This referential information is vital for resolving zero pronouns and improving machine translation outputs. Annotating honorifics is a complex task that involves identifying a predicate with honorifics, assigning ranks to referents of the predicate, calibrating the ranks, and connecting referents with their predicates

    Definiteness and number in japanese to german machine translation

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    Eins der signifikanten Probleme in der maschinellen Übersetzung japanische in deutsche Sprache ist die fehlende Information und Definitheit im japanischen Analyse-Output. Eine effiziente Lösung dieses Problems ist es, die Suche nach der relevanten Information in den Transfer zu integrieren. Transferregeln werden mit Präferenzregeln und Default-Regeln kombiniert. Dadurch wird Information über lexikalische Restriktionen der Zielsprache, über die Domäne und über den Diskurs zugänglich

    Sprachtechnologie für übersetzungsgerechtes Schreiben am Beispiel Deutsch, Englisch, Japanisch

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    Wir [...] haben uns zur Aufgabe gesetzt, Wege zu finden, wie linguistisch basierte Software den Prozess des Schreibens technischer Dokumentation unterstützen kann. Dabei haben wir einerseits die Schwierigkeiten im Blick, die japanische und deutsche Autoren (und andere Nicht-Muttersprachler des Englischen) beim Schreiben englischer Texte haben. Besonders japanische Autoren haben mit Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen, weil sie hochkomplexe Ideen in einer Sprache ausdrücken müssen, die von Informationsstandpunkt her sehr unterschiedlich zu ihrer Muttersprache ist. Andererseits untersuchen wir technische Dokumentation, die von Autoren in ihrer Muttersprache geschrieben wird. Obwohl hier die fremdsprachliche Komponente entfällt, ist doch auch erhebliches Verbesserungspotential vorhanden. Das Ziel ist hier, Dokumente verständlich, konsistent und übersetzungsgerecht zu schreiben. Der fundamentale Ansatz in der Entwicklung linguistisch-basierter Software ist, dass gute linguistische Software auf Datenmaterial basiert und sich an den konkreten Zielen der besseren Dokumentation orientiert

    Die japanische Syntax im Verbmobil Forschungsprototypen

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